First Corinthians 12 lists nine supernatural gifts believers shouldn’t be ignorant of—the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, (special) faith, gifts of healings, miraculous powers, prophecy, discerning of spirits, (special) tongues and interpretation of tongues. Here are some important things about these gifts:
1. They are God’s spirit working through believers. (v. 6)
2. We should desire them. (v. 31)
3. They operate according to the Holy Spirit’s will, not our own. (v. 11)
4. When a person is operating in one of these spiritual gifts, it’s not (usually) for them. (v. 7)
5. The Holy Spirit will use whatever believer he wants to if that person will allow it. (v. 13)
6. Some of these gifts are signs to unbelievers. (14: 22)
7. Love is greater than any of these gifts. (v. 31-13:13)
8. The first believers were active in using these supernatural gifts.
9. If the first believers needed these gift to establish God’s kingdom, so do we!
10. These aren’t the only spiritual gifts, just the ones that operate when, how, and where the Spirit wills. (v. 11)
Has the Holy Spirit ever given you one of these gifts?